Thanksgiving Analogies
Here are some fun Thanksgiving analogies to use with your students. Thanksgiving : November : : Valentine’s Day : _________ pilgrim hat : head :
Here are some fun Thanksgiving analogies to use with your students. Thanksgiving : November : : Valentine’s Day : _________ pilgrim hat : head :
Here is a link to A Turkey Knocked on My Back Door from Gettin’ Creative. It has the lyrics and a video of a child singing
Traditional group brainstorming usually involves a leader fielding ideas and writing them in list format. However, you can use Post-It notes to make group brainstorming
SVG Image Map Example Would You Rather – Thanksgiving Edition Thisconversation-making,thought-provoking,debate-initiatingSUPER FUNgame is the perfect activity to get your students in the Thanksgiving spirit! You
A very long time ago I read something in a parenting book (of course I can’t remember which one) that said that we as parents
According to this article from Prevention Magazine, the best time of the day for creativity is 9:00-11:00 in the morning, while 11:00-2:00 is a great time
Initial Interaction When your child (or student) comes to you with a picture she has just drawn, it’s a great moment to consider questions to
You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky Mistakes are the portals of discovery. -James Joyce A life spent making mistakes is not
Tristan, Alex, Lucy, and Kayla really needs to sit near the front, if you want them to focus. You can’t put Ashley next to
Remember this book? It first came out in 1990 and inspired countless teachers to have their students make their own Really Long Lists of things