It's extremely important for teachers to use patience and give grace when drawing out the child who stutters in the classroom. Our guest blogger, a speech-language pathologist, provides some insight into how students with stutters might be feeling and provides several tips for helping them find success when asked to speak in the classroom. Click through to read more.

Drawing Out the Child Who Stutters

Please welcome Kim Lewis to Minds in Bloom today. Kim is a speech-language pathologist, and she’s sharing her tips on supporting students who struggle with

how does posture in the classroom affect students

Posture in the Classroom

Hi everyone! I’m Chanda, and I’m a physical therapist working in the school system. I’m really excited to share about posture in the classroom today.

Did you know that there is a right way to write? Many teachers and parents don't realize this. Our guest post from an occupational therapist discusses the right way to write and the writing, coloring, and painting utensils that you need to throw out or modify to teach students to hold those utensils correctly.

Teach Your Students the Right Way to Write

Guest blogger, Loren Shlaes is a registered pediatric occupational therapist and a regular contributor to the special needs blog at PediaStaff (where this post is also being published). This is

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