Creative Brainstorming with Post-Its
Traditional group brainstorming usually involves a leader fielding ideas and writing them in list format. However, you can use Post-It notes to make group brainstorming
Traditional group brainstorming usually involves a leader fielding ideas and writing them in list format. However, you can use Post-It notes to make group brainstorming
According to this article from Prevention Magazine, the best time of the day for creativity is 9:00-11:00 in the morning, while 11:00-2:00 is a great time
You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky Mistakes are the portals of discovery. -James Joyce A life spent making mistakes is not
Tristan, Alex, Lucy, and Kayla really needs to sit near the front, if you want them to focus. You can’t put Ashley next to
You can have a lot of spun with foonerisms. Kids love to stead rories with spoonerisms. They are also a wood gray to get kids
I found this great Heart Maps project at Creative Literacy. I love this project because: It is such a clear, graphic representation of what is
This is a great activity for flexible thinking, as kids must let go of their own ideas, to some extent, and work with their classmates’
You have a routine for everything – what your students should do when they get to class, how they should line up when the bell
Fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration can be thought of as the cornerstones of creative thinking. Flexibility is a bit like fluency in that we are
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