Read alouds are an effective and engaging way to practice reading skills with your students. Although students aren't reading themselves, they are practicing skills such as comprehension, recall, listening, and more! Here are tips for implementing read alouds in your classroom.

Read Alouds in Your Classroom

Hi, I’m Cait from Cait’s Cool School. I’m exciting to be guest-posting on Minds in Bloom today! I’m discussing read alouds in your classroom and

Our guest blogger shares useful tips on how to stretch out mentor texts to not only improve reading skills but to also be used in cross-disciplinary units. Mentor texts can be used for reading, writing, social studies, science, and even math!

Maximizing Time with Mentor Texts

Minds in Bloom is thrilled to welcome Jessica from Ideas by Jivey to the blog! Jessica is sharing some information about her favorite topic: mentor

small group instruction

Small Group Instruction

Minds in Bloom presents Laura of First Grade Spies, with her post on small group instruction. Enjoy! I love working with small groups of students!

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