Winter Holiday Tips and Freebies Ebook – A Gift for You!

Rachel Lynette worked with other sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers to create this collection of free resources for the winter holidays. It's available in this post!

Hooray! The 2013  TpT Winter Holiday Tips and Freebies Ebooks are up and ready for you to download. This is a very special project with hundreds of sellers coming together to create a holiday gift for you! Each of the four books contains 50 pages, each one uniquely created by a different TpT seller. Each of the pages contains a helpful holiday teaching tip and a link to a holiday freebie!

If you just want the links so that you can get to downloading, then skip down to the bottom of the post. If you want to hear the story behind the books, then keep reading.

Three years ago it occurred to me that it would be great to give a holiday gift to TpT buyers. In the past I had created free holiday-themed products around this time of year, but I wanted something that went beyond what I could do on my own. So, I asked other sellers to join me and the First Holiday Tips and Freebies book was born. That year, we barely got 50 sellers to participate. It wasn’t that there was a reluctance on their part, rather that TpT was much smaller then. The book was a greeted with much enthusiasm, so of course I had to do it the next year.

But 2012 was a huge year for TpT with many new sellers, and a lot of them wanted to be in the book. So I split it into four books by grade level and recruited three awesome editors to help out. Once again, they turned out beautifully and tons of great tips and freebies were had by all.

This year presented an even bigger challenge. TpT has grown incredibly. Once again, we did four books divided by grade level. Last year we could include most of the sellers who submitted pages, but not this year. Each editor had the difficult job of selecting which pages would go into her book from the ones submitted. The books are stunning, and I know you will love going through the one for your grade level.

We are so very pleased to present you with four amazing Holiday Tips and Freebie Ebooks (all free):

Rachel Lynette worked with other sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers to create this collection of free resources for the winter holidays. It's available in this post!

Grades PreK-K Edited by Krissy Miner

Rachel Lynette worked with other sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers to create this collection of free resources for the winter holidays. It's available in this post!

Grades 1-2 Edited by Hilary Lewis

Rachel Lynette worked with other sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers to create this collection of free resources for the winter holidays. It's available in this post!

Grades 3-6 Edited by Rachel Lynette

Rachel Lynette worked with other sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers to create this collection of free resources for the winter holidays. It's available in this post!

Grades 7-12 Edited by Addie Williams

I hope you find many wonderful activities and resources to use with your students and that you have a warm and relaxing holiday season.

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