5 Must-Listen Podcasts for Teachers

Please welcome Carly Speicher from Carly and Adam to Minds in Bloom today! Carly is sharing some teacher podcasts that are great resources for educators at all experience levels.
Our guest blogger shares five excellent podcasts for teachers in this post on Minds in Bloom. She recommends podcasts that are either directly geared toward teachers and education or that discuss topics that teachers will find insightful and helpful.
Do you listen to podcasts? My husband has recently gotten me on the podcast bandwagon. He mostly listens to business podcasts, but did you know that there are podcasts just for teachers?!
I have recently discovered some amazing teacher podcasts, and I am here on Minds in Bloom to share these resources with you. I mean, who wouldn’t want to know about free professional development that you can listen to anytime or anywhere?
So, whether you are road tripping this summer or just hanging out on the beach, be sure to check out some of these teacher podcasts.

#1: Angela Watson’s Truth For Teachers

Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers
Angela Watson is one of my newfound teaching inspirations. She is incredibly knowledgeable and delivers her messages in a way that pushes you to be a better educator. This podcast contains a wealth of teaching tips, from classroom management to how to efficiently use your time. It is very encouraging and motivational for educators.
Best Episodes:

 #2: Teach 4 the Heart with Linda Kardamis

Teach 4 the Heart Podcast
Linda Kardamis strives to provide teachers with ideas and inspiration to overcome their teaching challenges. The message is mainly directed towards Christian educators; however, the teaching tips are relevant for all educators.
Best Episodes:
 Our guest blogger shares five excellent podcasts for teachers in this post on Minds in Bloom. She recommends podcasts that are either directly geared toward teachers and education or that discuss topics that teachers will find insightful and helpful.

#3: The Hidden Brain with Shankar Vedanta

Hidden Brain
While the Hidden Brain is not necessarily an education podcast, there are multiple episodes relating to educational topics. This podcast approaches various questions from a psychological and scientific point of view. The Hidden Brain is not only informative but also entertaining.
Best Episodes:
  • Episode 4: Students and Teachers
  • Episode 16: Misbehaving
  • Episode 26: Grit
You can listen to all of the episodes on the website here.

#4: Freakonomics Radio with Stephen J. Dubner

Our guest blogger shares five excellent podcasts for teachers in this post on Minds in Bloom. She recommends podcasts that are either directly geared toward teachers and education or that discuss topics that teachers will find insightful and helpful. 
Freakonomics Radio explores “the hidden side of everything.” Although not directed towards teachers, Stephen J. Dubner finds ways to tie in educational concepts that are both entertaining and insightful.
Best Episodes:

#5: TED Radio Hour with Guy Raz

TED Radio Hour
I’m sure you’ve heard of and even watched your share of TED talks. In this podcast Guy Raz interviews TED speakers and digs deeper into the ideas presented on the TED stage.
Best Episodes:
  • Unstoppable Learning
  • From Curiosity to Discovery
You can listen to all of the episodes here.

The Carly and Adam BlogCarly Speicher is a wife, mom, and teacher. She enjoys creating time-saving resources for teachers and sharing teaching ideas on her blog. Check out The Carly and Adam Blog and follow her on Teachers Pay Teachers, Facebook, and Pinterest for more great teaching ideas and insights. 

Minds in Bloom

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