6 Ways to Increase Math Rigor to Your Elementary Class

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To effectively increase math rigor, Common Core Math Standards call for a new level of depth and complexity.

Students are not only required to answer math questions, but they’re also asked to analyze, defend, critique, interpret, and discuss math.

With all of these changes, it is imperative that we incorporate these rigorous aspects of Common Core and academic vocabulary into our daily math lessons. It may seem like a daunting task, but once you incorporate a few simple elements in your daily lessons, you’ll see how easy it is to increase rigor and academic vocabulary in your direct instruction math lessons.

increase math rigor in your elementary classroom

Partner Talk (A/B Partners)

One of the key elements of adding rigor and academic vocabulary into direct instruction math lessons is increasing the number of opportunities for students to talk during the lesson (about math, of course).

increase math rigor in your elementary classroom

Before starting the lesson, I always assign students as Partner A or Partner B. This is so important to do before, because students need to know their role during the lesson. It will run much more smoothly! I then incorporate A/B partner questions throughout the lesson.

increase math rigor in your elementary classroom

I usually tie in those types of questions in the Big Idea and throughout the gradual release.

Big Idea (Connecting with Mathematical Practice and Real World)

I always include a big idea in my direct instruction lessons. The big idea always gives students the “why” behind the lesson.

increase math rigor in your elementary classroom

To continue adding elements of rigor, I use the Mathematical Practice Standards to infuse the “why” behind the lesson. For example, I look through my Mathematical Practice Posters (with student sentence frames) and decide which one matches the objective and which one would make the most sense to relate to real world aspects. Once I have chosen the one (or a couple of) Mathematical Practice Standards that best match the lesson, I add it into my lesson and give students a chance to discuss it during their partner talk.

Guided Practice (Gradual Release to Increase Math Rigor)

Sometimes a lesson will automatically click for a student. Other times, it takes students a little longer to grasp the concept. This is why we check for understanding during a lesson.

increase math rigor in your elementary classroom

Whether your class is grasping the concept easily or they need more direction in meeting the objective, checking for your students’ understanding of the objective is another opportunity to infuse rigor into your direct instruction lesson.

  • I will do this by giving students the opportunity to have partner talk during questions in the guided practice.
  • Using sentence frames to help students use academic vocabulary when explaining a problem or when asking a classmate a question also helps.
  • I will also purposely show a question with the incorrect answer and ask students to explain what is wrong with the problem using their academic vocabulary and the Mathematical Practice Standard from the big idea.

Closure Questions

I always end my lessons with closure questions to make sure students understand the purpose of the day’s lesson. I add rigor and academic vocabulary by layering my closure questions with different  Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels.

increase math rigor in your elementary classroom

Also, try to throw in a challenging problem that is connected to the Mathematical Practice Standard from the big idea. To add more opportunities for student interactions, I occasionally let students share their answers with partner talk before they share their answers with the class.

Reaching Consensus (Independent Practice)

I love, love, love allowing students to reach consensus in groups after completing their independent practice. When students are done with the independent practice, I put them into groups of 3-4 students.

Students are given a role for the group, either a leader or a collaborator. The leader leads the students in a discussion about their answers, and then the students “reach consensus” about their answers.

Mathematical Practice Conversation Cards

To help students understand the Mathematical Practice Standards and to make their partner talk more meaningful, I give students my Mathematical Practice Conversation Cards.

increase math rigor in your elementary classroom

They can use these student-centered sentence frames to help them express their ideas using mathematical and academic vocabulary. Each student has his or her own set of cards at the desk, and we use them during our math lessons. They are ideal for partner talk, for guided practice, and for reaching consensus.

Start Building Your Math Rigor Today!

The Common Core State Standards call for our students to be 21st-century learners and to be able to defend and communicate their knowledge about math. Using these simple strategies can help your students have success as 21st-century learners.

Our Guest Expert

My name is Marine Freibrun, and I am the author of Tales from a Very Busy Teacher. I earned my BA from the University of California Irvine, followed by my Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential from CalState Bakersfield and a Masters in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from CalState Northridge. With experience teaching 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 8th grades, I am currently a 3rd-grade teacher in Southern California. In addition to teaching, I serve on my site’s leadership team, act as a district instructional coach, a PBIS site team coach, and a mentor for new teachers. As a Teachers Pay Teachers author, I love sharing ideas with other educators and creating products for classroom use. Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook to see my ideas in action.

Minds in Bloom

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