8 Tips for Using Clothespins in the Classroom

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I love Clip Cards and using clothespins in my classroom! I have 280 clip card products in my TpT store! C’mon, who is not addicted to the way clothespins open and close? Clothespins are inexpensive and versatile, too.

The Cost and Versatility of Clothespins

  • Inexpensive: You can get a bag of 50 clothespins from the dollar store for $1.
  • Versatile: Clothespins are crafty; you can make cutesy animals and gifts with clothespins.

But wait! There are so many more ways to put clothespins to work in your classroom, so I am sharing eight ideas with you today!

using clothespins in the classroom

Eight Ways for Using Clothespins in the Classroom

Tip #1: Clipboard Organization

I always carry a clipboard with me, so I have to start with this tip from Alyssha at Teaching and Tapas. Alyssha teaches in a workshop format and uses clothespins and her clipboard to keep track of her student conferring schedule. We’re talking organizational simplicity! Alyssha’s idea can easily be adapted to be used during teacher conferences, student assessments, or any way in which you need to meet with and keep track of your students.

using clothespins in the classroom
using clothespins in the classroom
Thanks, Alyssha!

Using Clothespins Tip #2: Save a Staple

Save a staple, use a clothespin. I remember being in fifth grade and my teacher handing back my paper with big holes at the top because of her stapling it to the bulletin board. Trust me, your students will thank you for not defiling their papers, plus using them are much faster and easier than stapling. Glue two flat thumb tacks to the back of the clothespins so they stick into the bulletin board. Totally easy!

Tip #3: Centers Chart

I am definitely a centers teacher. I employed centers with my primary students and even during my stint teaching high school. While all centers should be motivating and engaging, let’s admit it: Some center activities are more fun than others. That is when a centers chart is handy, to help choose and rotate centers. And a great way to keep up with rotating centers? Clothespins, of course.

Clothespins are a surprisingly versatile tool, even in classrooms! Check out this Minds in Bloom guest blogger’s tips on eight different ways to use clothespins around your classroom.

using clothespins in the classroom

I should buy stock in clothespins!

Using Clothespins Tip #4: Bathroom Passes

I actually squealed aloud when I first saw this idea on Pinterest: using clothespins as bathroom passes. Ingenious! The passes will return: The clothespins are clipped onto the students’ clothing; hence, the passes never get left in the bathroom. The passes will be germ free; the clothespins are clipped onto the student before leaving the room and then unclipped upon returning to the classroom. They’ll be untouched in between; hence, germs are super reduced.

using clothespins in the classroom

Brilliant idea!

Tip #5: Classroom Jobs

Classroom jobs are a must as they are a great way to instill a sense of responsibility in our students. And, you guessed it: Clothespins are once again the go-to tool to use when rotating student names on charts.

using clothespins in the classroom

Everyone wants to be the paper passer!

Tip #6: Behavior Management System

Many teachers use the traffic light behavior management system: Green, yellow, and red circles with, of course, clothespins. I have used a similar behavior management system, one that, for my students, was less embarrassing for the yellows and reds and less stressful for the greens. We had individualized “charts” placed at the students’ desks. This “chart” was a craft stick colored in thirds with green, yellow, and red and a clothespin that can be moved to the appropriate color. (I never once had a student change their chart.) Either chart monitoring system you choose, there should be clothespins involved.

using clothespins in the classroom

Excellent tool, once again!

Using Clothespins Tip #7: Math Centers

Yes, clothespins can be used in math centers to show the correct answer to a math problem, but clothespins can also be used with meatier math center activities. Look at the graphing method shown in the picture below. I LOVE it! It is a simple yet effective visual representation for comparing. Think of the many discussions that could be generated from a graph like this.

using clothespins in the classroom
Thanks, Donna at Math Coach’s Corner!

Look what you can do with clothespins and hangers (which I love, too). I especially like using this idea with equivalent fractions.

using clothespins in the classroom
Thanks, love2learn2day!

Tip #8: ELA Centers

Clothespins can be used in ELA centers to show the correct part of speech or the correct sight word. One of our favorite center activities is clipping final blends. My special ed kids especially enjoy and benefit from this activity.

using clothespins in the classroom

My students also love making clothespin words: Write letters on clothespins, and have students pin letters to make words. They can pin onto hanging string (think a clothesline) or even an index card. And this activity can be differentiated by allowing the students needing extra help to clip the matching lettered clothespin to the letter in the word.

using clothespins in the classroom

Start Using Those Clothespins in Your Classroom today!

So, let’s review: Clothespins have so many classroom uses. Clothespins are such an inexpensive resource. And do not even get me started on how clothespins are a perfectly fun way to improve fine motor skills!

using clothespins in the classroom

Fairy Tales Count and Clip Cards

Even though my kids have nicknamed me, “The Clip Card Queen,” I do have more than just clip cards. But if clip cards are what you are looking for, then I have a freebie for you. My Fairy Tale Clip Cards will be free for the rest of January. (See if your students can identify from which fairy tale the image belongs.)

Fairy tales + Clip Cards = FUN!

Our Guest Expert: Lori Booze

I am Lori Booze (aka Teaching Tykes). My family and I live in the boonies in NC. I have been a TpT seller for a year-and-a-half now. And yes, while I have a plethora of Clip Cards in my store, I do have other teaching resources that I would LOVE for you to check out! A huge thanks to Rachel Lynette for allowing me to guest blog! Aren’t teacher-sellers fabulous?!

Classroom Management Strategies & Techniques

Minds in Bloom

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