Free Pensee Poem Activity

A pensee poem is a fun poem used to described a particular subject. Each line is comprised of a certain count of syllables. Challenge your students with this free pensee poem. Click through to download it now!
Soft and fluffy
Meows until I pet her
There on my favorite pillow
Purring with contentment.
Free Pensee Poem Activity

A pensee poem is a 5-line, non-rhyming patterned poem that is both fun and easy to create! Like many other poem patterns, it is a great opportunity to practice syllables.

Here is the pattern for writing a pensee:

Line 1: Subject (2 syllables)
Line 2: Description (4 syllables)
Line 3: Action (7 syllables)
Line 4: Setting (8 syllables)
Line 5: Final thought (6 syllables)


One way to use this pattern (or any poetry pattern ) is to give the students a broad subject, such as “animals,” “grandparents,” or “Valentine’s Day,” and then have each student write several pensee poems on that subject. Students can choose their favorite ones to illustrate for display. Poetry patterns can also make a terrific enrichment activity. Great for subs, too!


The free 2-page pensee activity below is part of a larger packet of 21 different poem patterns. It will work beautifully as a stand alone activity, or you can get the whole poetry writing unit here.
A pensee poem is a fun poem used to described a particular subject. Each line is comprised of a certain count of syllables. Challenge your students with this free pensee poem. Click through to download it now!

Minds in Bloom

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