Nature Scavenger Hunt for Earth Day

Take your class outside to celebrate Earth Day with a nature scavenger hunt! This fun scavenger hunt will have them searching for items in nature, where they can explore and learn more about their environment.

Take your students on a nature walk!

It’s a beautiful day for a walk! When it starts warming up, don’t you (and your students!) just want to stay outside just a little bit longer? Why not let your students take a nature walk?!

You can download this free printable or digital scavenger hunt activity to make your outdoor time extra fun!

Scavenger hunts are a terrific way to get kids engaged in what they are learning. Children love the challenge of finding everything on the list, and when you are done, you can discuss what they have found and which items were particularly difficult or easy and why. Here is a fun scavenger hunt to use for Earth Day.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

The best place to complete this scavenger hunt is in a wooded area.  Find each of the things on the list.  You will need a bag or other container.
  1. A flat rock
  2. A pinecone
  3. A leaf that is bigger than your palm
  4. A stick that has a “Y” shape
  5. A nut or a seed
  6. A small part of a fern
  7. Some moss
  8. Something hard that is not a rock
  9. Something sharp
  10. Something that a deer could eat
  11. Something soft
  12. A piece of grass longer than your finger
  13. A feather
  14. A thorn (be careful!)
  15. A leaf that an animal has chewed on
  16. A piece of trash
  17. Do not put these items in your bag.  Instead, draw them.
Nature Scavenger Hunt

18. Sit quietly for a few minutes.  What do you hear (besides people)?


Minds in Bloom

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