Podcasts for Kids (& for teachers too!)

My Favorite Teacher Podcasts & Podcasts for Kids

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Podcasts pretty much save my sanity on the daily, because I’m in the car A LOT! 

When I’m not feeling music, I trade my tunes for talking! I love listening to Podcasts! 

I’m sharing some of my favs with you so that when you’re stuck in traffic and the radio station is playing that song AGAIN, you can pass the time doing something fun and educational!

I love podcasts!

My Favorite Teacher Podcasts

Podcasts for kids are great, but don’t forget about yourself!

Podcasts for teachers

Truth for Teachers by Angela Watson

I love Angela Watson because she is THE expert in showing teachers how they can get some work / like balance. Her episodes are released weekly and designed to “speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators.”

Podcasts for teachers

Crying in My Car by Devin Siebold

If you wanna get some big relatable laughs, this is the podcast for you. Teaching is hard on soooo many levels, and this guy gets it! It’s a little irreverent, but a lot of fun! It’s designed to be “a weekly breath of fresh air to help teachers get through class without pulling their hair out or the hair of several students.”

Podcasts for teachers

Teach Me Teacher by Jacob Chastain

This is an amazing podcast created “for educators where teachers discuss topical, informative, and inspiring subjects. Designed from the ground up as a no nonsense approach to teacher development, this podcast is your gateway to bettering your craft (and having some laughs along the way)”  The host, Jacob, is full of energy, wit, honesty, and inspiration!

Podcasts for teachers

The Shake Up Learning Show with Kasey Bell

I first met Kasey at a big technology professional development opportunity, and I loved her right away.  She is an expert on Google and digital learning, which is also a passion of mine! Her podcast is designed to “meaningfully integrate technology in the classroom through her expert presentations, on-air coaching calls, and powerful interview.” While Kasey is definitely known for her techy skills, there is something in her podcast for everyone! She’s positive and energetic, and you’ll walk away feeling both inspired and empowered!

Podcasts for teachers

10 Minute Teacher Podcast by Vicki Davis

With a short commute to work, I was super excited to find a podcast that I could finish right as I was pulling into the parking lot! Vicki, writer of the Cool Cat Teacher Blog, has tons of insight to help you hone your teacher craft! Her special guests inspire you to try new things in your classroom.

Podcasts for teachers

The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast by Jennifer Gonzalez

This was the first teacher podcast I ever listened to, and she’s been in my library ever since! The podcast boldly claims “if it has something to do with teaching, we’re talking about it.”  This podcast really does have something to offer for every teacher, from beginner to veteran.  Even coaches and instructional leaders will find lots to take away.  It’s been said that this podcast is an “instructional gold mine,” and I tend to agree!

Podcasts for teachers

Class Dismissed

This podcast is created to “inspire educators through story and keep them up-to-date with the news that affects them directly.”  These episodes are fill with motivating content that is relevant and up to date. But best of all, it’s entertaining! Each episode, the Class Dismissed team field actual calls from real teachers.  They offer great advice and insight delivered with the perfect dose of empathy.

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My Favorite Student Podcasts

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The Headphone Dilmena

With a techy class, we use headphones a lot! And they get lost a lot! UGH! I started purchasing up lots of cheap extras that the students could purchase from me at cost. I also used a pocket chart that students could store their headphones in. Lifesaver!

The Podcast for kids that’s Taking Classrooms by Storm

Here’s the synopsis:

Eleven-year-old Holiday is pulled from the icy waters of Alaska with no memory of who she is or where she came from. Are her mom and dad really who they say they are? And when she begins to develop incredible abilities, she’ll soon discover she’s not alone in the world.

Sound super fun, right?

When reading through the reviews, I was surprised that most of the reviews came from students! Stop and think about that! This is such an amazing way to provide authentic reasons to write and reflect on relevant and engaging reading (or listening lol) material.

Did you know I have lots of free math tutorials? If you already have the headphones, then why not have your students listen to these when they need help?

How You Can Use Podcasts for Kids in Your Classroom

Podcast for Students

Early morning Motivation:  Our school bell didn’t ring until 8:25, but students were allowed to enter the classroom at 7:50.  That was a long time! I wasn’t really able to teach new things during that time, and sometimes it just felt like a waste because a quarter of the class didn’t stroll in until 8:25.  Playing this podcast every morning would motivate kids to want to get to class on time!

Time Filler: There always seems to be a few minutes of the day that need to be filled.  Maybe you just switched classes and you have a few minutes until specials start. Maybe you’re in the rainy season and outdoor recess is put on hold for awhile. These podcasts are the perfect way to spend a little extra time!

Reward: Using a podcast for kids like this one can be rewarding for students. It’s something that the kids will be begging to do.  Set up a system where if students have met your daily expectations, they can listen to the podcast while they quietly pack up.

Brain Break: Sometimes your students just need a quick break from work! Take a few minutes to let them relax by listening to podcasts for kids.  Use my freebie this week to allow them to take notes in a fun way.  This helps them to remember what’s going on in the plot day by day. If you’re using my sheet during brain breaks, don’t make a big deal out of filling it out just right.  It’s meant to be fun!

Stations: You can build podcasts into your daily rotations.  Having an accountability piece will help make sure that students are using their podcast time to learn and grow.

Creating Mini Lessons: There are lots of ELAR skills that can be taught through fictional podcasts, such as Six_Minutes. Predictions, comprehension, vocabulary, summarizing, and plot are just a few of the skills that you can focus on during an episode.

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