Practice rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand Using these 32 short answer, CCSS aligned task cards.
These cards are perfect for test prep and will work well at math centers, stations, for partner work, or with the whole class using a game like Scoot. A student answer sheet is included along with an answer key for self-checking. There is also a Challenge Card that can be used in conjunction with any other card to extend the activity.
The cards will look best in color, but will also print out fine in grayscale. Simply print and cut along the guidelines. Laminate and use them again and again. Alternatively, you could print on cardstock. It works well to keep them in a baggie. Another option is to hole-punch a corner of each card and put them all on a ring.
Contents of this set include:
- 32 Task Cards – Color
- 32 Task Cards – Blackline
- Google Slides Activity
- ***Easel Activity (only available if you purchase on TPT)
- Cover Card
- Challenge Card
- Student Response Sheets
- Answer Key
Common Core Standards addressed in this set:
Common Core Standard 4.NBT.3
3.NBT.1. Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
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Copyright information:
Purchasing this product grants permission for use by one teacher in his or her own classroom. If you intend to share with others, please purchase an additional license.
Happy Teaching!
This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette & Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom. ๐
SKU: 303503
Marcie W. –
I assigned this is a test after we finished the lesson. I loved how they could do it on their own timeframe and I was able to see their answers!
Melanie M. –
Rounding is not an easy concept for 3rd graders but this resource was a great way to reinforce, reteach, and extend on learning.
Melanie M. –
Rounding is not an easy concept for 3rd graders but this resource was a great way to reinforce, reteach, and extend on learning.
Taylor J. –
My students love doing task cards in my math intervention in small groups. I place them in a pile randomly and they pick from the pile, complete it, then put it back and pick another random card.
Faithful in First TN –
I used this resource on our smart board while tutoring my 3rd grade students. These students were struggling with rounding, and this resource helped them solidify that knowledge.
Valeria Garcia –
Love these rounding cards for my students to practice! I have them as a center and they are so easy to use!
Valeria Garcia –
Love these rounding cards for my students to practice! I have them as a center and they are so easy to use!
Trista D. –
My students always need support in place value and I loved the task cards. I used them to play games virtually durning our time away from in-person teaching. My students had fun reviewing concepts the had learned earlier in the year.
Alexis K. –
Thank you for making this! Great task card activity for practice/review during small group math instruction in my 2-5 AUT class.
Cassidy W. –
We used this for a scoot and the kids did pretty well. I like the range of numbers that it covers but it was still clear enough for there not to be any confusion