Reading Disabilities: 15 Reading Problems and Solutions

The Scope of Reading Disabilities

Identifying the reading problems and solutions for your students with reading disabilities is so important! Many young learners encounter obstacles with the reading process, and for some, it is a pervasive problem. New estimates report that as many as 1 in 10 children have reading disabilities, such as dyslexia, that impact academics in the areas of:

  • Word decoding
  • Reading comprehension
  • Reading fluency
  • Word retrieval
  • Reading speed
  • Tracking

Helping Struggling Readers

So, what can we do to help these struggling readers?

reading disabilities in young students

Recognition and Diagnosis

First, we can learn to recognize the common indicators so that students can be formally tested and diagnosed.

Remedial Tools and Resources

Second, we can learn about the remedial tools and resources that can help these students traverse and manage these hurdles.

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15 Common Causes of Reading Disabilities

  1. Trouble rhyming words
  2. Problems memorizing number, letter, and word sequences
  3. Mis-sequencing of sounds or syllables in a word (e.g., “pissgetti” for “spaghetti”)
  4. Perceives letter and number sequences correctly but remembers and recalls them in a different order
  5. Misreads and skips words
  6. Trouble sounding out words
  7. Problems spelling
  8. Word finding difficulties
  9. Difficulties with rote memorization
  10. Repetitions, transpositions, additions, substitutions, and omissions of letters, numbers, and/or words
  11. Difficulty understanding idioms, inferences, and jokes
  12. Problems tracking from left to right across a page
  13. Dizziness, headaches, or stomach aches reported while reading
  14. Problems discriminating the difference between similar sounding letters and words
  15. Trouble understanding word problems

10 Solutions for Reading Disabilities

1. Color Overlays and Tinted Lenses

Black text on a white background can be visually uncomfortable for many children. If this is the case, you can make color overlays. Cut out your own overlays using transparent, colorful report covers or pocket folders. Alternatively, you can purchase glasses with color-tinted lenses, with blue and yellow being the most popular colors.

2. Changing Background Color for Typing

If changing the background color is helpful when reading, these students will likely benefit from changing the background when typing. On a Mac using MS Word, this can be done by selecting the “Format” drop-down menu and then choosing “Background.” On a PC, select “Page Layout” and then “Page Color.” Note that the background color will not be impacted when printing documents.

SVG Image Map Example

3. Word and Letter Search Games

Play search games with words and letters that are confusing. For example, if a learner mixes up the letters b and d, provide a magazine or newspaper and ask them to circle all the letter b’s. They do not have to read the text, just scan for the letter. This also helps improve tracking skills.

4. Understanding Jokes and Multiple Meanings

Locate jokes and review each one, discussing what makes it amusing. Talk about words with double meanings and make a list of words with multiple meanings. Encourage the learner to create their own joke book.

5. Spelling Strategies

Identify commonly misspelled words in the student’s notebooks and handouts. Place each word on a single page and invent memory strategies. For example, if a student struggles with “what,” they may notice the word “hat” in it and draw hats on the page with the question, “What hat?”

6. Online Phonics Games and Videos

Play enjoyable, free internet games and watch videos that review basic phonics on sites like Starfall or Phonics Chant 2 and MagicE.

7. Tactile and Kinesthetic Learning

Integrate tactile and kinesthetic modalities into lessons. Form difficult letters, numbers, and words out of tactile manipulatives like jelly beans, wet spaghetti, pebbles, and more. Place these on balloons or balls and play games, reading the first word seen when grabbing the ball.

8. Audiobooks and Visualization

kids listening to audio books

Read aloud or use books on tape. Ask learners to close their eyes and picture the story in their mind. This helps develop the capacity to visualize, improving attention, reading comprehension, and memory. Alternatively, have learners read along with the audio.

9. Enticing Reading Areas

Create an enticing reading area with a fun name like the “cozy corner.” Decorate it with stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, and soothing objects. Have highlighters, colored pencils, paper, and a selection of books within reach.

10. Scheduled Reading Time

Schedule consistent reading times a few times a week where the whole class or family gathers to read in a common room. Provide yummy food and comforting objects to create pleasant associations with reading.

Product Recommendations

If you are interested in purchasing products that help students with reading disabilities and other reading problems and solutions, consider downloading free samples of:

Further Resources on Reading Problems and Solutions

For more information on reading problems and solutions, exploring the above resources can be beneficial. They provide comprehensive insights into overcoming reading disabilities and addressing various reading challenges effectively.

Our Guest Expert

I am once again so thrilled to welcome Dr. Erica Warren to Minds in Bloom. This post is a must-read for any teacher (or parent) who teaches reading or works with struggling readers.

Dr. Erica Warren is a reading specialist, educational therapist, and author of multisensory and mindful educational materials.  She resides in New York, where she works one-on-one with students as a “personal trainer for the brain” and as an educational consultant/teacher trainer. Dr. Warren offers her own materials at Good Sensory Learning. You can also get free advice and resources by following her blog here.

Minds in Bloom

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