Reading Strategy Task Cards – FREE

Reading Strategy Task Cards

I have this idea that if a teacher who has never used task cards tries them, she will love them so much that she will simply have to get more. That is one reason why I made this set of free Reading Strategies Task Cards. While totally useful as a stand-alone activity, this set of task cards is kind of a sampler of some of my best selling sets. It is a great way to “try before you buy.”

For those of you who already have some or all of these sets, this set would work great for extra reinforcement or as an assessment. Although the card designs were taken from the other sets, I wrote new paragraphs for this set, so none of the content is repeated.

Each card features a different fiction or nonfiction paragraph and a reading strategy challenge. This set includes four cards for each of the following reading strategies:

  • Author’s Purpose
  • Making Connections
  • Summarizing
  • Inference
  • Questioning
  • Predicting
The cards are free, so why not give them a try? And if you’d like to share with your colleagues, on Facebook, Pinterest, etc., that would be wonderful!


Most teachers use task cards at literacy centers or with games, but there are many other ways to use them, too. You can find some great ideas at Totally Task Cards.


Totally Task Cards

Freebie Friday

Minds in Bloom

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