Turn Reading Homework into a Fun and Memorable Routine

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Reading homework can be a common nightly task for many children, and it often presents a challenge for both students and parents.

Whether your child loves diving into books or finds reading to be a chore, creating a supportive environment for this daily activity is crucial. Establishing a consistent routine, selecting engaging materials, and making the experience enjoyable can turn reading homework from a dreaded task into an opportunity for growth and discovery.

This guide offers practical tips and resources to help make reading homework a positive and enriching part of your child’s daily routine.

reading homework

A Childhood Filled with Books

I was always a book nerd growing up. I loved the library, the smell of books, and getting lost in countless adventures. When a teacher said it was silent reading time, I was ecstatic. I was the one who brought a book everywhere with me, and the one who tried to finish assignments early so that I could read! I obviously didn’t mind reading homework!

The Influence of My Mom

I owe a great deal of my love of reading and book nerdy-ness to my mom. I remember her reading to us all the time when we were young. We would read through whole series of books, including The Chronicles of Narnia and Little House on the Prairie. We always had books around the house, and we made many trips to the library to get even more. I was so blessed!

Promoting Reading at Home – and Not Just Because it’s Reading Homework

The Importance of Books in Every Home

I know, however, that there are many homes with fewer books and less reading. Some families may be too busy to fit in reading or are not sure how to do it. Others are not be able to afford books and aren’t sure how to find cheaper options. Some kids may hate reading or be bored of it. My heart breaks for these homes. I want every child to grow up with a love of reading like I did and to be surrounded and saturated with all types of print. I want them to go on amazing adventures and learn incredible things, all from the comfort of their own home!

A Free Printable Resource

I have made this free Reading at Home printable for parents to use and for teachers to hand out at conferences or back-to-school events. It give ideas of who, what, when, where, why, and how to read. I know some of them may be common sense, but maybe to some parents, these could be great reminders. It is so incredibly important for kids to read and be read to at home. I hope these ideas can help make reading into a life-long habit!

Click here to download this printable from my TPT store if you assign nightly reading homework.

reading homework

Tips for Encouraging Reading Homework


  • You! No matter how young or old you are!


  • Your favorite book series
  • Newspaper
  • Magazine
  • Dictionary
  • Online books like Starfall.com
  • eBook
  • Biography
  • Cookbook
  • Events on a calendar
  • Comic book
  • Direction pamphlets
  • Travel brochures
  • Library books


  • When you wake up
  • At a meal
  • On the weekends
  • Right before bed
  • When you’re in the bathroom
  • After dinner
  • During any free time, even just a few minutes!


  • On your bed
  • On a comfy couch or chair
  • Make a reading fort out of blankets, pillows, and couch cushions!
  • At the table
  • At a desk
  • On the porch on a nice day
  • In the bathroom
  • In a special reading corner
  • By a window


  • To be a better reader!
  • To do better in all subjects
  • To learn about new places, people, and things
  • To go on adventures without leaving your home!


  • Read to yourself
  • Read to a parent or adult
  • Read to a sibling
  • Read to someone over the phone or video chat
  • Have a parent or adult read to you
  • Read to a pet
  • Follow along with an audiobook

Additional Reading Resources

Need More Books in Your House?

I know books can be expensive, but who says you have to buy everything new? There are so many different ways to get books for cheap!

Ideas for Finding Affordable Books that Can Work for Reading Homework Materials

  • Library Sales: Check out the libraries around you and see if they hold any used book sales. I have found great books at these and can get a lot of them for not much money at all!
  • Garage/Rummage Sales: Whenever I go to one, I make a beeline to the books. Sometimes you can find practically new books for a steal!
  • Facebook Groups: Find a local Facebook group that organizes buying/selling. People may post when they are having a garage/rummage sale, too.
  • Ask Family and Friends: If they have any used books they would like to donate.
  • Baby Showers: If, by chance, you’re having a baby shower, register for books! Or even ask for people to bring a book instead of a card. They don’t have to be brand new either!
  • Gifts for Birthdays and Holidays: Ask for books as gifts.
  • Used Books on Amazon: Find used books on Amazon for a cheaper price.
  • Library Borrowing: Of course, borrowing books from the library is free! What a great way to have access to all kinds of books in every genre.

Thanks for reading! I hope you can find these ideas helpful to make your kids’ reading homework easier and to spread the love of reading. 🙂

Need some help formulating questions to ask students? Check out this post!

Our Guest Expert: Rachel K Tutoring

I am a K-8 private tutor in Michigan who loves to read! 🙂 I also blog about free resources for parents and teachers and create resources in my TpT store. When I’m not working, you’ll find me reading, enjoying the outdoors (when Michigan is actually warm, ha!), and spending time with my dear family and friends. I would love to connect with you! You can find me on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

Minds in Bloom

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