Hello! My name is Rachael from The Classroom Game Nook Blog. Thanks to Rachel Lynette for allowing me to share some tips with her readers today!
As you might guess by the title of my blog, I’m a big fan of classroom games to promote a meaningful and engaging learning environment. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that most students would much prefer playing a game with their friends to review an important concept over reviewing using a textbook or a worksheet.
Now, you might think that bulletin boards and games have nothing to do with each other, but I’m here today to tell you that they have EVERYTHING to do with each other. When I taught in the classroom full-time, I loved putting up a beautiful bulletin board display. After stapling up the final piece, I’d stand back and admire my work (OK, and maybe call a colleague or two into my room to validate my work with their “ooos” and “ahhhs”…). The only problem: My students could care less that I spent two hours after school putting it up. In fact, they hardly noticed. (Womp, womp…)
That all changed when I started using my bulletin boards for games! And now, you can, too!
Step 1: Don’t just put up your completed unit bulletin board at the beginning of the unit and leave it there hoping your students will notice.
(“Mrs. ____, you are soooo talented at creating meaningful and beautiful bulletin boards for us!” <—not going to happen!) Instead, put up the pieces WITH your students. Begin the unit by putting up only the topic headings:

Step 2: Continue to add pieces to your bulletin board as you learn about your unit.

Step 3: Use your bulletin board to play a review game!
This is where you check how well your students have paid attention to your bulletin board throughout the unit! Check out these fun ways to use completed bulletin boards to engage your students in review games. These games can be played with bulletin boards for any concept or grade level.