20 Fun St. Patrick’s Day Writing Prompts

Need some St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts? We gotcha covered!

St. Patrick’s Day is nearly here, and I know you want to keep your students thinking and writing while they’re feeling extra lucky! Here are some fun March writing prompts that will do just that.

Perfect for journals, writing centers, bell work, or discussion! Try some of these with your students!

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St. Patrick’s Day Writing Prompts

Lucky Day with a Four-Leaf Clover

Pretend that you have found a four-leaf clover that will bring you extraordinary good luck for exactly one day. Write about your lucky day.

Persuasive Essay: Gift-Giving on St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is not generally a gift-giving holiday like Mother’s Day or Christmas. Write a persuasive essay to convince people to give gifts on St. Patrick’s Day.

Green Food Menu

Pretend that you can only eat green food on St. Patrick’s Day. Create a menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Four-Leaf Clover Drawing

Draw a large four-leaf clover. In the center write: “I am lucky because…” Then, write a different way that you are lucky on each of the four leaves.

Pot of Gold

You have caught a leprechaun, and he has given you a pot of gold in exchange for his freedom. What do you do with it?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Leprechaun

T-Chart Activity

Make a T-chart. On one side, list the advantages of being as small as a leprechaun. On the other side, list the disadvantages of being as small as a leprechaun.

List of Green Things

Make a list of as many things that are green as you can.

Lucky Break

What does it mean to get a “lucky break?” Write about a time when you got one.

Daily Schedule for a Leprechaun

What do leprechauns do all day? Make a daily schedule for a leprechaun.

Descriptive Writing and Quotes

Magical Land Over the Rainbow

Describe a magical land “over the rainbow.” Use as much detail as you can.

A Pound of Pluck vs. a Ton of Luck

James Garfield (the 20th US president) said, “A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck.” What do you think he meant? Do you agree? Why or why not?

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Mischievous Leprechauns and Creative Writing

Classroom Mischief

A mischievous leprechaun paid a visit to your classroom during the night and caused all kinds of trouble. What did he do?

Catching a Leprechaun

Write a story about catching a leprechaun.

Green Skin and Hair

How would life be different if everyone had light green skin and dark green hair?

Knowledge and Imagination

Facts About Ireland

Make a list of everything you know about Ireland.

Modern Leprechaun Wardrobe

Pretend you are a leprechaun who is unhappy with your wardrobe. You are tired of the old-fashioned hat, suit, and shoes. You want a new, updated look for today’s modern leprechaun. Write a letter to the leprechaun fashion designer explaining why you think an update is a good idea and what the new leprechaun outfit should look like.

Event Planning and TV Scripts

St. Patrick’s Day Party

Plan a St. Patrick’s Day party for your class. What will you do? What will you eat?

TV Show Script

Pretend you are the scriptwriter for your favorite TV show. You have been assigned to write the St. Patrick’s Day episode. Write a summary of the episode you create.

Belief and Creativity

Belief in Leprechauns

Do you believe in leprechauns? Why or why not?

Rainbow Poem

Draw a large rainbow. Write a poem about rainbows in your rainbow with one line on each band of color. Your poem may or may not rhyme. This could make a nice art project if you have the students do their rainbows in light watercolor and then write the poem with a black Sharpie.

Here’s a prompt picker you can use with the St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts below:

Press play then pause to use the prompt picker.

Open the video in a new tab for great resolution!

YouTube video

All of these resources are a part of our Minds in Bloom UNLIMITED Membership! Choose 3 FREE St. Patrick’s Day Activities when you sign up for a trial account!

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