Baseball Multiplication – Digital BUNDLE (Double-Digit Multiplication | Digital Google Slides

Engage 4th-5th grade math students with two digital resources. The first focuses on double-digit multiplication with area models, while the second covers multiplying by 1 or 2-digit numbers. Self-checking options, no prep, and easy integration of technology make these activities ideal for classroom use.

Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $3.98.


This bundle contains two super engaging digital resources for your 4th-5th grade math students! It would also be great for challenging your 3rd grade students. Check out each individual preview for more information!

1. THE FIRST RESOURCE: Representing Double Digit Multiplication with Area Models

This DIGITAL baseball-themed activity is a fun and easy way for your students to practice representing multiplication through area models and using the partial products to find the answer. In this activity, students will use the window pane (or box) method for showing the partial products within a multiplication sentence. They will add the partial products to find the answer.

This is a great way to integrate technology into your math class, engage students, and save paper! You can complete this activity as a whole group, in a small group, or in stations.

This activity has a self-checking option.

Check out the video to see a preview of the activity and instructions.

This product is great for TEKS 4.4C and TEKS 4.4D and Common Core 4.NBT.B.5

2. THE SECOND RESOURCE: Multiplying by 1 or 2-digit numbers

This DIGITAL baseball-themed game is a fun and easy way for your students to practice single and double digit multiplication. Although this is a board game, you will not need to print, cut out, or gather any supplies. Students will select a random question and move their pawns around the digital baseball diamond. They’ll choose to solve one-digit multiplication or 2-digit multiplication.

Kids love games, but let’s face it, it’s a lot of work to gather the materials for games that practice specific skills. This activity takes all the work out of playing board games!

This is a great way to integrate technology into your math class, engage students, and save paper! You can play this game as a whole group, in a small group, or in stations. Perfect for some synchronous learning fun!

This activity is self-checking.

Plus, there’s a quick video that explains the activity.

Why this game is awesome:

  • No Prep
  • Unlimited number of teams playing at a time
  • No time wasted with set-up, clean-up, or gathering materials
  • Students can stop the game and can later pick up right where they left off
  • No storage space
  • Fun
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Self-Checking

Check out the video to see a preview of the activity and instructions.

This product is great for TEKS 3.4G and TEKS 4.4D and Common Core 3.NBT.3 and 4.NBT.B.5

Wondering what a product by Cassi Noack is doing in the Minds in Bloom store? Cassi has joined the Minds in Bloom team! You can find more of Cassi’s amazing products here. Follow us and check back often because more are being added every day! – Rachel Lynette

This product is happily brought to you by Cassi Noack and Rachel Lynette of Minds in Bloom.

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11 reviews for Baseball Multiplication – Digital BUNDLE (Double-Digit Multiplication | Digital Google Slides

  1. Room to Grow

    Thanks so much! This was perfect for what I needed.

  2. Jennifer D.

    Thanks for the great independent station practice resource!

  3. Christine W.

    My students loved using this resource to reinforce their multiplication array understanding. It was easy to set up through google classroom and was engaging enough to keep the students interested.

  4. Jenna R.

    My students really enjoyed using this resource.


    used as bonus kids loved it

  6. Linda A.

    Thank you!

  7. Daneijha G.

    Engaging practice for online remote work

  8. Kristy L.

    I used it in small group with my distance learning students. I made teams and we played that way. It was fun.

  9. Nancy D.

    Anything baseball is always a success out our house! Thank you.

  10. Jessica D.

    Amazing Product!

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