Fall Close Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions – Print and Digital

Fall Reading passages with 20 high-interest topics at two reading levels (grades 3-4 and 4-5) for a total of 40 passages. Includes text-dependent questions, paired passages, and skills aligned with Common Core Standards. Ideal for various classroom uses and fall-themed. Answer keys provided.



These Fall Reading passages are just what you need for ready-to-use comprehension and close reading practice.

There are 20 passages, each presented at two reading levels (grades 3-4 and 4-5) for a total of 40 passages. The passages are a mix of high-interest and curriculum-based topics and include informational text and literature. The included text-dependent questions address a variety of close reading skills.

The Show What You Know questions on the right are identical for both reading levels. This allows you to discuss the passages altogether, even if you have students using different levels.

What’s Included:

  • 20 passages (presented in 2 levels for a total of 40 passages)
  • Text Dependent Questions
  • Google Slides digital version with optional Audio Support
  • *Easel Activity (only available if you purchase on TPT) with optional Audio Support
  • Paired passages graphic organizer
  • Answer Keys

How to Use These Fall Close Reading Passages:

  • bell work or warm-up
  • center or station
  • as part of a reading packet
  • with a small group
  • as homework
  • as enrichment for younger, highly capable students
  • as remediation for struggling students
  • test prep

The passages are sequenced in cycles of five as follows:

IT: Informational Text (nonfiction)

L: Literature (fiction)

IT: Informational Text (nonfiction) with an illustration

L: Literature (fiction)

IT: Informational Text (nonfiction)

Breakdown by type: 3/5 Informational Text, 2/5 Literature.

Within the 20 passages, there are two sets of paired passages (TT 7/8 and TT 9/10). The paired passages appear adjacent to each other and address a similar topic for comparing and contrasting. TT 13/14 could possibly also be used as paired passages, but it is a bit of a stretch, so they are not marked as such in the table of contents. Three additional printables are included to use with these paired passages. These passages will also work as stand alone activities if you do not want to use them together.

The skills addressed in each passage are written in small print at the bottom on the left hand side. The skills address most of the RI and RL Common Core Standards and include: reading for details, main idea, summarizing, inference, predicting, genre setting/character/plot, theme, context clues/vocabulary, figurative language, authorโ€™s style, authorโ€™s purpose, point of view, mood/tone, text structure, comparing and contrasting, interpreting an illustration, analysis, and evaluation. They are also listed in the Table of Contents.

These passages are fall themed and are meant to be used September, October, and November. Some of the passages can be used at almost anytime during the year, while others are tied to a specific time of year.

Answer keys for teacher use are provided. In many cases, answers will vary by student and sample answers are given.


Titles Included:

1. Remembering 9/11

2. My Life as a Writer

3. How the Football got its Shape

4. The Missing Rain Boot

5. A Day in the Life of a Firefighter

6. Creepy Crawly Spiders

7. We are NOT Scary!

8. Vampire Bats

9. Too Many Pumpkins

10. Punkin Chunkin

11. Why Leaves Change Color

12. Jake and the Rake

13. Election Day

14. the Ant and the Grasshopper

15. Getting Ready for Winter

16. Veterans Day

17. When Sarah got Sick

18. Who was Squanto?

19. Turkey Trouble

20. Pilgrim Children

Parents and Caregivers:

This resource will work best if your child is already familiar with the reading skills in this product (you can see them in the table of contents in the free preview). This product is meant to reinforce those concepts, not to teach them. If you feel your student would benefit by being able to reference specific reading skills, you might also consider these reading posters/charts.


Terms of Use

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded. If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses. Thank you for respecting these terms of use. ๐Ÿ™‚

This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom

SKU: 2135542

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23 reviews for Fall Close Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions – Print and Digital

  1. Tina K.

    Great resource to use with my 4th graders. I used during whole and small group lessons.

  2. AZteacher49

    This was a fun and helpful resource for what we are currently studying. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ !

  3. Elizabeth E.

    This was great to use for the 2 days we had after fall break. My kids enjoyed reading about the different fall-related topics and working in groups to complete the questions. Thank you!

  4. Small’s Stuff

    Informative, creative articles. Students loved learning about topics they ‘thought’ they knew about, but didn’t! Thanks!

  5. Rachel Shamsali

    This is an awesome resource! I found it to be very useful and helpful in my classroom!

  6. Patti Alexander

    these were great interactive ELA/fall activities that kept my students engaged!!

  7. Monica M.

    These are great to use with my small groups. The passages are not overwhelming for my students and I can scaffold easily as needed.

  8. Morgan T.

    Students enjoyed reading the passages, and were engaged. The questions were rigorous enough to challenge students that needed it but I was also able to scaffold for others.

  9. Deanna W.

    Great to have and so very helpful. I am so glad I came across this resource to help my students too. Building the resource library! Thank you

  10. Tara M.

    These were high-interest passages to use when introducing our non-fiction reading unit.

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