Revising and Editing Task Cards for Informational Text Scaffolded Self-Checking Google Slides

These informational text revising and editing task cards are scaffolded to help students practice challenging skills. The resource includes 32 multiple choice task cards, a digital version, assessment tools, recording sheets, and an answer key. Designed by Minds in Bloom.



***Easel Assessment (only available if you purchase on TPT) – Self-Checking version

  • Recording Sheets
  • Answer Key
  • Terms of Use

    This resource was created by Rachel Lynette for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded. If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses. Thank you for respecting these terms of use. ๐Ÿ™‚

    This product is happily brought to you by Cassi Noack and Rachel Lynette of Minds in Bloom

    SKU: 7504897

    Additional information

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    14 reviews for Revising and Editing Task Cards for Informational Text Scaffolded Self-Checking Google Slides

    1. Leslie P.

      These self checking task cards make it easy for students to practice revising and editing.

    2. Catherine Barth

      Students loved doing the work on the computer or ipad. It was a great way to work on revising and editing. Thanks.

    3. Sheila M.

      This was a great resource for building revision and editing skills. I liked that the students gained confidence and were pleased with their results. The task card format kept students from feeling overwhelmed and the non-fiction topics were engaging. I will definitely use this again with next year’s class.

    4. Cheryl R.

      Great digital practice for my students!

    5. Itzel Gomez

      Good source

    6. Recheal W.

      This is really great resource to use with ELL students. I used it with my Tier B and C students and it was engaging and really helped to review informational text. I also loved that it was scaffolded.

    7. Jcyekki Keys

      Just what I needed for my students.

    8. KATHLEEN J.

      A great resource for student to practice ways to edit their writing.

    9. Christy S.

      I like to start the day with a warm up and this was a different type of warm-up, plus students loved learning facts about animals. The puzzles don’t work if you are projecting the screen.

    10. Jennifer C.

      Great mini lessons throughout.

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