Similes and Metaphors – NO PREP – Click and Teach Student Presentation

Engage students in learning about similes and metaphors with a fun and interactive Click and Teach presentation. Requires almost no teacher prep, includes cooperative learning, movement breaks, and practice opportunities. Suitable for 3rd or 4th graders. Save time and energy with this ready-to-use resource.

Original price was: $4.00.Current price is: $3.00.


Help students learn about similes and metaphors the easy way with this fun and interactive Click and Teach presentation!

This presentation is designed to be used with your whole class and requires almost no teacher prep! It can be used as a PowerPoint or as Google Slides.


In addition to direct instruction, this lesson includes

  • cooperative learning (Turn and Talk)
  • learning through movement (Brain Breaks)
  • plenty of practice opportunities

Your students will be actively involved throughout the entire lesson!

There are many uses for this lesson:

  • Your time and your energy are precious resources. Because this lesson is ready-to-use, it will save you prep and planning time.
  • This lesson would work great for a sub.
  • This would be great if you have never taught this concept or are not quite comfortable with it. Perhaps you are a new teacher or have switched grade levels.
  • A parent or other volunteer could use this presentation for a small group or for students who need extra reinforcement.

โœ๏ธ Your students won’t need anything but a pencil and a sheet of paper!

The presentation is especially designed with students and teachers in mind!

  • Engaging
  • Encourages Peer Discussions
  • Includes Note-Taking
  • Practice Opportunities Included
  • Brain Breaks & Movement Breaks Included
  • Requires no copies!
  • Easily presented by a substitute, brand new teacher, or anyone needing a ready-to-go lesson


Before the Lesson:

  • Make sure every student has a pencil and a blank sheet of paper.
  • Students will have opportunities to have discussions with other students. You can have students sitting together in a group or they can sit at their desks and discuss with other students that sit near them.
  • Brain breaks require students to stand and move around the room.
  • Choose whether you want to use the PowerPoint or Google Slides version of the presentation.

During the Lesson:

  • Click through the slides at a pace appropriate for your students.
  • You can read the text out loud or select students to do the reading.
  • During Turn and Talks and written response times, monitor your students to make sure they are on task. Youโ€™ll need to decide when itโ€™s time to move on to the next part of the presentation.
  • All students should be engaged during the written response portions.

The presentation slides include 4 icons that will show students when they can raise their hands, discuss their thoughts with a friend, take notes, complete practice problems, and even take a quick brain break. There are very few animations so that the presentation is easy to implement, even if the teacher hasnโ€™t looked over it beforehand.

After the Lesson:

  • If you need more practice with figurative language, you can check out our Figurative Language Bundle!

Check out the preview to learn more!

This lesson should be used with 3rd or 4th graders, depending on what they’re ready for.

โœ๏ธ Here are some specifics about the content included in the lesson:

  • A simile is a comparison that uses the words like or as.
  • A metaphor is a comparison that does not use the words like or as.
  • Students will work together and independently to create similes and metaphors.

Best for Common Core Standards:

  • L.3.5, L.3.5a, L.3.5b, L.4.5, L.4.5a

Best for Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills TEKS:

  • 3.10D, 4.9B

Check out our other CAT lessons!

  • Main Ideas & Supporting Details
  • Adding & Subtracting Decimals
  • Decimals on a Number Line
  • Comparing Decimals
  • Comparing Whole Numbers
  • Rounding Numbers
  • Place Value Relationships
  • Subtracting with Regrouping


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Terms of Use

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students, but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded.

If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses. Thank you for respecting these terms of use.

This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom

SKU: 8727194

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5 reviews for Similes and Metaphors – NO PREP – Click and Teach Student Presentation

  1. Cari P.

    I loved this as an introduction to similes and metaphors. The students were able to get some great examples and built a solid understanding of these cornerstones of figurative language. Thanks!

  2. Amy O.

    I was able to use this resource right along side our district’s curriculum. It supplemented the students’ learning wonderfully.

  3. Ariane O.

    This resource was incredibly helpful and I appreciate it.

  4. Inez S.

    Excellent resource. Clearly explained similes and metaphors. Great graphics and visuals.

  5. Caroline Jones

    This resource is fabulous. It’s a definite ‘must do’ for me. Super engaging and highly creative.

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