Tarjetas de trabajo: ¬°Res√∫melo! (Summarize It! Task Cards in Spanish) | Print & Digital Google Slides

These task cards are professionally translated into Spanish for accuracy. Each card challenges students to summarize a non-fiction paragraph in 15 words or less, promoting concise writing. The set includes 24 cards, answer sheets, and digital options, suitable for 3rd to 5th grade.



Puedes tener la seguridad de que estas tarjetas de trabajo son gramatical y culturalmente correctas, ya que han sido traducidas al español por una traductora profesional nativa.

Cada una de estas 24 tarjetas de trabajo contiene un breve párrafo de no ficción. El desafío para los alumnos es resumir ese párrafo en tan solo quince palabras o menos. Al presentarles un párrafo a la vez, la tarea de resumir, que a menudo puede resultar abrumadora, se torna mucho más manejable. Además, al haber un límite para la cantidad de palabras que pueden utilizar, esto evita que los alumnos simplemente rescriban el párrafo completo. Tal vez quieras recordarles a tus estudiantes que deben responder con una oración completa. (El desafío se les presenta como una cantidad límite de palabras, en lugar de decirles que tan solo pueden escribir una oración, para evitar que escriban oraciones interminables en vez de resumir). Se incluyen hojas para que escriban sus respuestas, y también claves de respuestas con ejemplos de resúmenes posibles. Y dado que resumir es una habilidad tan difícil de adquirir, hemos incluido además una tarjeta y un póster que pueden ser utilizados como un recordatorio. También encontrarás dos tarjetas de desafío que pueden ser empleadas junto con cualquier otra tarjeta para extender la actividad.



  • 24 tarjetas de trabajo (se imprimen 4 por hoja, a color o en blanco y negro)
  • Hoja de respuestas para los alumnos
  • Clave de respuestas (con las respuestas correctas)
  • Un póster para la clase


  • Google Slides
  • Actividad en Easel


  • Actividad digital o impresa
  • Tarjetas de desafío para extender la lección
  • Audio para acompañar la lectura
  • Diferentes versiones de la hoja de respuestas

¡Perfecto para 3er, 4to o 5to grado!


¡También puedes adquirir este recurso como parte de un paquete para ahorrar dinero!

Ese paquete incluye los siguientes sets de tarjetas de trabajo:

  • Inferencia
  • ¡Resúmelo!
  • Idea principal
  • Propósito del autor
  • Compara y contrasta
  • Identificando causa y efecto
  • Generando causa y efecto

Esto es lo que dicen los maestros:

✏️ “I used these cards with my emerging bilinguals (Spanish is their second language). I used them as a daily warmup. Students read the card to themselves and then had to summarize using their own words. We practiced doing the summary in two sentences and then one sentence, and I shortened the time as they got better at summarizing. This was an extremely useful and time-saving resource. Gracias!” -Jenee C.

✏️ “I was so excited to see this resource! I have used the English version for years, and when I got a non-English student, I was so excited to see the same passages in Spanish! Perfect!!!” -Andrea C.

✏️ “De gran beneficio, muy buena selección de temas!” -Lorimar D.

NOTA: Este recurso está en español y no es editable.

Un consejo para ti: ¡Descarga nuestro manual gratuito (FREE Task Card Handbook, solo disponible en inglés) para conocer 31 formas diferentes en las que puedes utilizar este recurso!

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  • Haz una pregunta en la sección de preguntas y respuestas (Q&A) de este producto.

Acerca de la autora

Rachel Lynette es una autora publicada de más de 120 libros de no ficción para niños sobre una gran variedad de temas, así como de varios libros de recursos para maestros. Ella ha escrito para editoriales como Harcourt, Thompson-Gale, Rosen, Children’s Press, Evan-Moor, Kagan, entre otras. Este recurso refleja más de una década de experiencia como escritora profesional.

Términos de uso

Este recurso fue creado por Rachel Lynette y Cassi Noack para Minds in Bloom INC. Quedan todos los derechos reservados. Puede ser utilizado por el comprador original únicamente con su clase. Los maestros pueden compartir este recurso por mail, a través de Google Classroom, o por Internet con sus alumnos (y padres) siempre y cuando el sitio esté protegido con contraseña (“password protected”). En otras palabras, puedes compartirlo con tus propios alumnos, pero no puedes ponerlo en Internet en un lugar al que se pueda acceder públicamente y descargarlo.

Si deseas compartir este recurso con colegas, por favor adquiere licencias adicionales en TpT, o indícales que adquieran sus propias licencias a través de TpT.

Muchas gracias por respetar estos términos de uso.

Este producto es felizmente presentado por Rachel Lynette y Cassi Noack de Minds in Bloom.


You can be sure that these task cards are grammatically and culturally correct as they have been translated into Spanish by a native-speaking professional translator.



  • 24 Task Cards (prints 4 to a page, color and black-line options)
  • Recording Sheets
  • Answer Keys
  • Poster


  • Google Slides
  • Easel Activity


  • Digital or Print
  • Challenge Cards to extend the lesson
  • Audio Support
  • Multiple versions of the recording sheet included

Great for 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade!


This resource is part of a money-saving bundle!

This bundle includes these task card sets:

  • Inferencia
  • ¡Resúmelo!
  • Idea principal
  • Propósito de autor
  • Compara y contrasta
  • Identificando causa y efecto
  • Generando causa y efecto

NOTE: This resource is in Spanish and is not editable.

Teacher Tip: Download our FREE Task Card Handbook to learn 31 different ways you can use this resource!

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Get TPT credita to use on future purchases:

  • Go to your My Purchases page.
  • Click on the Provide Feedback button to leave a rating and a short comment.
  • You’ll earn TPT credits, which you can redeem on future purchases!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ WE STRIVE FOR 5 STARS! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

NEED HELP? Before leaving feedback:

  • Visit the FAQs section.
  • Submit a help ticket.
  • Ask a question on the Q&A tab.

About the Author

Rachel Lynette is a published author of over 120 nonfiction books for children on a variety of subjects, as well as several teacher resource books. She has written for publishers such as Harcourt, Thompson-Gale, Rosen, Children’s Press, Evan-Moor, Kagan, and several others. This resource reflects more than a decade of professional writing experience.

Terms of Use

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students, but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded.

If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses from TpT.

Thank you for respecting these terms of use.

This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom.

SKU: 1484298

Additional information

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12 reviews for Tarjetas de trabajo: ¬°Res√∫melo! (Summarize It! Task Cards in Spanish) | Print & Digital Google Slides

  1. Maria S.

    I love to find resources that my kids can understand. I also always look for resources that make my lesson planning easier.

  2. Maria S.

    I love to find resources that my kids can understand. I also always look for resources that make my lesson planning easier.

  3. Andrea G.

    I was so excited to see this resource! I have used the English version for years, and when I got a non-English student, I was so excited to see the same passages in Spanish! Perfect!!!

  4. Andrea G.

    I was so excited to see this resource! I have used the English version for years, and when I got a non-English student, I was so excited to see the same passages in Spanish! Perfect!!!

  5. The Inked Pen

    This was a great activity to use for my Level 1 ELLs. Other students in my class were also working on summarizing task cards in English so this was a great way for me to capture this cohort of students’ skill set in their native language. No prep work needed and students were able to easily complete the task without confusion.

  6. The Inked Pen

    This was a great activity to use for my Level 1 ELLs. Other students in my class were also working on summarizing task cards in English so this was a great way for me to capture this cohort of students’ skill set in their native language. No prep work needed and students were able to easily complete the task without confusion.

  7. Jenee C

    I used these cards with my emerging bilinguals (Spanish is their second language). I used them as a daily warmup. Students read the card to themselves and then had to summarize using their own words. We practiced doing the summary in two sentences and then one sentence, and I shortened the time as they got better at summarizing. This was an extremely useful and time-saving resource. Gracias!

  8. Jenee C

    I used these cards with my emerging bilinguals (Spanish is their second language). I used them as a daily warmup. Students read the card to themselves and then had to summarize using their own words. We practiced doing the summary in two sentences and then one sentence, and I shortened the time as they got better at summarizing. This was an extremely useful and time-saving resource. Gracias!

  9. Bianca D.

    Excellent! Loved using these in my bilingual classroom during enters. Paired them with a graphic organizer!

  10. Maria M.

    I user these task cards for early finishers, kids enjoyed them!

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