Close Reading Resources – Strategies, Prompts, Posters and More for Literature (Fiction)

This close reading toolkit is designed to help teach close reading skills with literature, including folktales, short stories, and chapter books. It includes resources for all Common Core RL standards, such as posters, bookmarks, discussion prompts, graphic organizers, and writing prompts.



Close reading is an important, but often difficult skill to teach (and to learn!). This close reading toolkit will make it so much easier! It is designed to work with literature/fiction โ€“ specifically, folktales, short stories, picture books, and chapter books. Some of the materials may also work with plays, poems, and other types of literature. This resource can be used with short selections and stories as well as longer chapter books.

This resource also addresses all of the Common Core RL standards. You can use these materials for your entire lesson or to supplement materials you already have. These resources can be used in a variety of ways โ€“ individually, in pairs, in group discussions, and with interactive notebooks. Choose the ones that work best for you.

Please see the free preview for photos, a detailed table of contents and more information.

What’s included:

Teacher Instruction Pages (3)

These pages will help you to use the resources provided to implement close reading. In addition to a tips page, there are also two pages to help you plan and sequence close reading activities – one page for close reading a short section and another for reading longer selections and chapter books.

Posters and Anchor Charts (7)

There are three types of reference posters included:

โ€ขThe Close Reading posters guide students through the three readings of a passage or story, telling them what to look for and what kinds of questions to ask. Three versions are provided.

โ€ขThe Annotation Guides shows students how to annotate a passage as they read or what to look for when reading a longer story. Three versions are provide.

โ€ขThe StoryTalk poster provides talking prompts to help students talk effectively about the text.

Bookmarks (12)

The bookmarks are meant to be used while reading longer texts as a way to jot down notes and observations for later reference. The same bookmark is repeated four times on each page. Within each set of four bookmarks, the first two feature a girl graphic and the last two feature a boy graphic. Two types of bookmark are provided:

โ€ขThe three annotation guides are smaller versions of the posters for students to use as a reminder while reading.

โ€ขThe remaining nine bookmarks are formatted as mini graphic organizers.

Talk Time Discussion Prompt Cards/Sentence Stems (42)

Discussing the text in small groups is an important part of close reading. Written in the first person, these 42 Talk Time cards will help your students to discuss the text with their classmates. The cards are coded by the clip art:

  • Dog – First Read
  • Penguin – Second Read
  • Cat – Third Read
  • Bird – Use Anytime

Of course, the coding is only a guideline, you can use the cards however you wish. After you print, cut, and laminate them, consider putting them on rings for easy access.

Graphic Organizers/Printables (26)

Use these 26 different graphic organizers and printables to help your students explore different aspects of the story. Both lined and unlined versions of the graphic organizers are provided. There are activities for each stage of close reading. These can be used with both shorter selections and longer books. Some of these would make good pre-writing activities for an in-depth text-dependent question.

Writing Prompt Labels/Cut-Outs (32)

These 32 text-dependent writing prompts are perfect for using with interactive notebooks. They could also be used on notebook paper or as exit slips.

The prompts will help your students to dig deeper into the text at any stage in your close reading. They cover story elements, inference, figurative language point of view, comparing and contrasting, making connections and more.


Common Core Standards addressed in this set:

This product was designed to address all of the Common Core Reading Literature standards for grades 3-8 (CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RI.1-9). The standards that apply to any given lesson will depend on the text and activities that you select. In some cases additional materials may be needed to fully cover a standard.

โ€ขFirst Read activities align with Key Ideas and Details: Standards RL.1-RL.3

โ€ขSecond Read activities align with Craft and Structure: Standards RL.4 – RL.6

โ€ขThird Read activities align with Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: โ€ขStandards RL.8 & RL.9

Standard RL.10 will depend on the text you select. Because this resource was designed for stories, you may need addition materials to use with plays, poems, prose etc.


This product is also available in the Close Reading Toolkit Bundle. Please note that there is a small overlap in pages from my Close Reading Toolkit for Any Informational Text This is because some resources are appropriate for both types of text. However, the vast majority of the resource is unique to this product.


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Copyright information:

Purchasing this product grants permission for use by one teacher in his or her own classroom. If you intend to share with others, please purchase an additional license.

Happy Teaching!

This product was brought to you happily by Rachel Lynette & Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom. ๐Ÿ™‚

SKU: 1575541

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1 review for Close Reading Resources – Strategies, Prompts, Posters and More for Literature (Fiction)

  1. Kathryn P.

    Hah, I love the animal code for the task cards. This was great for my EAL students who sometimes struggle to articulate what they think about what they read. The materials work for just about any text.

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