Comparing Decimals – Comparing & Order Decimals (Hundredths Place) | Digital Google Slides Activity

Interactive digital resource for Google Slides helps students practice decimals by comparing numbers to 99.99 using a place value chart. Includes digital place value blocks for support. Extension activity allows students to create and order their own numbers. Aligned with TEKS 4.2F and Common Core 4.NF.C.7.



Help students practice their decimals with this interactive digital resource created for Google Slides. In this activity, students will compare numbers to 99.99 by using a place value chart. Students will first reinforce their understanding of place value by correctly labeling the chart. They will then record their numbers on the chart and compare them. Finally, students will label either the greatest or least number. Digital place value blocks are included if students need additional support. As an extension, students can create their own numbers, represent them with place value blocks, and then drag the slides so that their numbers are in order. This activity concentrates on tenths and hundredths.

Plus, there’s a quick video that explains the activity to the students.

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Check out the student video to see a preview of the activity and instructions.

This product is happily brought to you by Cassi Noack and Rachel Lynette of Minds in Bloom.

This product is great for TEKS 4.2F and Common Core 4.NF.C.7

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19 reviews for Comparing Decimals – Comparing & Order Decimals (Hundredths Place) | Digital Google Slides Activity

  1. Caitlin M.

    This was a great resource. No prep and exactly what I needed. The students were engaged and happy.

  2. Tirra M.

    Great resource during school closure!

  3. Robyn Bernstein

    This was a perfect activity to include my at-home learners in our in-class assignments. My in-class learners asked if they could use it, too, for extra practice.

  4. Michelle H.

    Very engaging. Lots of practice questions. One slide didnโ€šร„รดt have enough of one of the blocks so I just taught them to copy another one. Teachable moment ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Laura V.

    My students enjoyed this resource enough, however it wasn’t very rigorous and the instructions were a little confusing. I doubt I will use it again.

  6. Marybeth S.

    Great resource, thanks!

  7. Shuntia G.

    I did this as a reteach activity. The students enjoyed it.

  8. Jennifer R.

    Thanks for a great resource!

  9. TeachingMAC


  10. Elementary Expression

    Great review for 5th graders after COVID.

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