Factor Finder! Task Cards – Multiple Choice Factoring Questions | Print & Digital with Google Slides

These Common Core aligned task cards help students practice identifying factors and prime numbers. Includes 32 task cards, recording sheets, answer keys, and digital options. Great for 4th or 5th grade. Check out the preview and bundle for more resources.



***Easel Assessment (only available if you purchase on TPT) – Self-Checking


  • Digital or Print
  • Challenge Card to extend the lesson

Great for 4th or 5th grade!


This resource is part of a money-saving bundle!

NOTE: This resource uses American English and is not editable.

Teacher Tip

Hereโ€™s what teachers are saying:

โœ๏ธ “I think I own almost all of your games! They are great for centers and intervention. I love that they come with a printable answer sheet – great job!” -Tracey H.

โœ๏ธ “I love these task cards, the are a weekly feature of my classroom. Thank you.” -Rebecca R.

โœ๏ธ “My students had a great time doing this as a seat scoot. I liked that the questions were simple and did not take long for the students to complete. Great for a quick checking of understanding.” -Julie W.


  • Math Enrichment Worksheets
  • Snack Shack Money Math Task Cards

Common Core Standards:

  • CCSS4.OA.B.4 – Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1-100. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is prime or composite.


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About the Author

Rachel Lynette is a published author of over 120 nonfiction books for children on a variety of subjects, as well as several teacher resource books. She has written for publishers such as Harcourt, Thompson-Gale, Rosen, Childrenโ€™s Press, Evan-Moor, Kagan, and several others. This resource reflects more than a decade of professional writing experience.

Terms of Use

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students, but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded.

If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses. Thank you for respecting these terms of use.

This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom

SKU: 283394

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4 reviews for Factor Finder! Task Cards – Multiple Choice Factoring Questions | Print & Digital with Google Slides

  1. kristy H.

    A great resource for my achieving students who were able to work independently

  2. Dane H.

    I love using the task cards in class. I give students a clip board and post them around the room to promote movement and learning. Students were engaged and worked together to solve problems.

  3. All Things NEW

    Thank you for this fun, engaging resource for my students. They enjoyed it.

  4. Courtney W.

    This was a perfect resource to use when I had a sub. Students were able to practice factors on their Chromebooks easily

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