Homophones Task Cards | 6 Commonly Confused Homophones | Print & Digital with Google Slides

These task cards focus on tricky homophones like its/it’s, then/than, were/we’re, your/you’re, too/to/two, and there/their/they’re. They include answer sheets, a Challenge Card, and align with Common Core Standards. Perfect for test prep and literacy centers. Available in a money-saving bundle.



***Easel Assessment (only available if you purchase on TPT) – Self-Checking

  • Cover Card
  • Challenge Card
  • Student Response Sheets
  • Answer Key
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Common Core Standards addressed in this set:

    This resource addresses Common Core Standard L.5 for grades 2-5:

    L.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

    and also:

    and also: L.4.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

    – Correctly use frequently confused words (e.g., to, too, two; there, their).*


    Also available in a money-saving Vocabulary Task Card Bundle

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    Copyright information:

    Purchasing this product grants permission for use by one teacher in his or her own classroom. If you intend to share with others, please purchase an additional license.

    Happy Teaching!

    This product is brought to you happily by Rachel Lynette & Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom. ๐Ÿ™‚

    SKU: 294670

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    9 reviews for Homophones Task Cards | 6 Commonly Confused Homophones | Print & Digital with Google Slides

    1. Casey C.

      This was great to use whole group and let the students explain why they picked their answer. It also allowed me to check multiple homophone meanings.

    2. JENNIFER E.

      My students loved this resource! Perfect for small group instruction and review before an assessment. My students enjoy working on digital assignments!

    3. sheene Porter

      My students loved this resource. It allowed them to practice the skill we are learning. It was very engaging and kept them excited about learning. I would recommend this resource for any type of learner. You can adapt the way you use it to benefit the learners in your individual classroom.

    4. sheene Porter

      My students loved this resource. It allowed them to practice the skill we are learning. It was very engaging and kept them excited about learning. I would recommend this resource for any type of learner. You can adapt the way you use it to benefit the learners in your individual classroom.

    5. Billye B.

      Great resource! I plan to use again for the upcoming school year!

    6. Kathryn R.

      We used these as test review centers to engage my students in test prep. My students love centers and these were excellent, well thought out and covered all the skills/standards.

    7. Nancy Springfield

      Used this resource with my title I 4th and 5th graders and it was very usefuil

    8. Twist on Teaching

      This was a great review for students before their STAAR Writing test. Thank you for creating this resource for students.

    9. Brooke Chadwick

      I used this with a remote group of 3rd graders in an ENL lesson. I’ll also be printing it and laminating it to use in the future.

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