Compare and Contrast Task Cards | Print or Digital Google Slides + Audio Support

27 task cards with short passages for comparing and contrasting, promoting critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. Includes print and digital versions, differentiation options, and is suitable for 3rd-5th grade. Part of a money-saving bundle. Great for enhancing reading skills.



27 compare and contrast task cards with short passages – These are great for encouraging students to use their critical thinking skills and strengthening their reading comprehension!


โœ๏ธ PRINT:

  • 27 Task Cards (prints 4 to a page)
    • Black-line
    • Color
  • Recording Sheets
  • Answer Keys


  • 2 Google Slides Versions
  • ***Easel Activity (only available if you purchase on TPT)


  • Digital or Print
  • Audio Support
  • Multiple versions of the recording sheet included

Great for 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade!


This resource is part of a money-saving bundle!

This bundle includes these resources:

  • Theme Task Cards
  • Making Inferences Task Cards
  • Informational Text Structures Task Cards
  • Main Idea Task Cards
  • Summarizing Task Cards
  • Cause & Effect Task Cards
  • Author’s Purpose Task Cards

This resource is also included in the following bundles:

  • Reading Strategies MEGA BUNDLE
  • ELA Task Cards MEGA BUNDLE
  • Task Card Variety Pack Bundle
  • Text Structure Task Card Bundle
  • Reading Comprehension Bundle

NOTE: This resource uses American English and is not editable.

Comparing and contrasting is a challenging reading skill. Each of these 27 cards features a short passage along with two text-dependent questions. To add more rigor, several of the cards may also require some inference for full understanding. Each passage is focused either on people, places, events, or a nonfiction topic.

Use digitally as Google Slides or Easel. Easel and Google Slides are identical. PLUS an extra Google Slides activity to utilize a Venn Diagram!

Teacher Tip

Hereโ€™s what teachers are saying:

โœ๏ธ “Love, love, love these! I’ve used these in centers and in small group intervention practice. I’ve used them with Venn Diagrams and T-charts…they work well for both.” -Lisa H.

โœ๏ธ “I thought this was a fun activity for practicing comparing and contrasting skills with my students. I am always looking for new ways to present information. Sometimes it is hard to find activities that are not too simple for my upper elementary students. This is a great addition to my comparing and contrasting unit. Thank you!” -Lindsay M.

โœ๏ธ “These task cards were awesome! Was able to use a card as a warm up for students and in centers. The cards also promote critical thinking, which is a huge plus! Thanks!!” -Jade F.


  • Book vs. Movie Task Cards
  • Current Events Printables
  • Shiloh Comprehension Essentials

Common Core Standards:

  • CCSSRI.3.9 – Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic.


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  • Youโ€™ll earn TPT credits, which you can redeem on future purchases!

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NEED HELP? Before leaving feedback:

  • submit a help ticket
  • ask a question on the Q& A tab
  • About the Author

    These passages were written by me, Rachel Lynette. I am a published author of over 120 nonfiction books for children on a variety of subjects, as well as several teacher resource books. I have written for publishers such as Harcourt, Thompson-Gale, Rosen, Childrenโ€™s Press, Evan-Moor, Kagan, and several others. These passages reflect more than a decade of professional writing experience.

    Terms of Use

    This resource was created by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students, but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded.

    If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses from TpT. Thank you for respecting these terms of use.

    This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom

    SKU: 201755

    Additional information

    Main Subjects

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    Grade Level

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    Resource Type


    60 reviews for Compare and Contrast Task Cards | Print or Digital Google Slides + Audio Support

    1. Hafsa H.

      These task cards were perfect for blended learning! I taught a hybrid class and the digital task cards were perfect for my students at home and then I went ahead and printed task cards for my face to face students. It was so nice being able to work on the same activities with both groups of kiddos. I didn’t have to go search for something totally different for my students at home. And now, I have printed task cards ready to use for centers!

    2. CoffeeCatCreations

      I used this as a literacy center to review comparing and contrasting. The resource is easy to use and provides many different stories for students to practice.

    3. Linda D.

      The visual support for comparing and contrasting was helpful. My students are always happier when the resources are colorful.

    4. Karlee S.

      This was a great activity for my students to get up and move around the room. I also had the task cards up on Google Classroom as well and they slides were great! The in slide reading was very helpful for my students who struggle.

    5. Anita T.

      I have really enjoyed using these compare and contrast passages in my classroom. They are a quick and easy way to assess whether my students have the skill down. They are shorter, and not so overwhelming.

    6. TheSpeechSpace

      This is a great next step from students working on comparing and contrasting objects. I really enjoyed using this with my students, and they enjoyed it too!

    7. Jennifer O.

      This was a great resource for comparing and contrasting texts. We have a large assessment on these concepts and this was a great review the day prior.

    8. Elizabeth B.

      My students loved using this resource with partner work. They were very engaged.

    9. Marissa N.

      Very useful for introducing students to how to compare and contrast two texts.

    10. Megan S.

      Used during hybrid learning and during our different quarantined times this year. Easy to assign for practice

    Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

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