Current Events – Use with any Article | Print & Digital

This product offers 23 no-prep current events printables and graphic organizers for use with any article. It includes options for digital learning and a variety of graphic organizers for analyzing articles. Additional products are also recommended for educators.



This product contains 23 no-prep current events printables and graphic organizers that can be used with any article or internet news post. Use them when you are reading an article as a class or for independent selections to keep your students accountable. They will also work well with Time for Kids and Weekly Reader articles.


Digital Learning

Print out as worksheets for packets or use with Easel Activities by clicking the white, โ€œOpen as Digital Activityโ€ button on this page after purchase. Students will be able to type into answer boxes and use a pen tool to fill in check boxes.


For the graphic organizers, both lined and unlined versions are included (as indicated in the table of contents). Most of the pages are meant to be used with a single article; however, there are 3 pages that can be used when comparing and contrasting two articles on the same topic. There is also a page students can use when preparing to share a current events article with the class.

This download includes the following pages

  1. Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How
  2. Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How (graphic organizer)*
  3. Main Point vs. Details*
  4. Main idea and Summary*
  5. Article Analysis
  6. Article Evaluation
  7. Article Speculation
  8. Who Said That?
  9. Finding Facts*
  10. Pause and Ponder*
  11. Article Vocabulary*
  12. Current Events Text Features
  13. Current Events Questions
  14. Current Events Sequence*
  15. Current Events Cause and Effect*
  16. Current Events Connections
  17. Current Events Reflections*
  18. You made the News
  19. Rhyme It, Rap It
  20. Paired Articles
  21. Paired Articles graphic organizer*
  22. Paired Articles Venn Diagram*
  23. Current Events Sharing

*Presented in both lined and unlined formats


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Terms of Use

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded. If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses. Thank you for respecting these terms of use. ๐Ÿ™‚

This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom

SKU: 110929

Additional information

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Grade Level

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10 reviews for Current Events – Use with any Article | Print & Digital

  1. Daniel E.

    Easily used within my classrooms for lower level learners; easy to follow and use

  2. Alyssa B.

    This is a well-designed resource that engaged my students in current events! Thank you!

  3. msbradysocialstudies

    Great collection of current events worksheets that you can pick and choose from, based on whatever type of article(s) you’re using. Works well to practice media literacy skills over the course of a semester.

  4. Dawn H.

    A great addition to my newspaper unit. My students’ enjoyed all of the activities.

  5. Learn avec Lyn

    Great resource that helped me save a lot of time. Ready to use and low prep. Thank you!

  6. Sara Sculthorpe

    I use this weekly with 2 different social studies classes. I give students a pre-chosen current event article and then they have a choice of which graphic organizer to complete. I have turned them all into Google Slides that can be typed on (my students are all dyslexic and many are dysgraphic) and handwriting in such small spaces can be challenging for them. They love the variety of choices and I love the fact that they are reading and engaging with news stories.

  7. Kelli H.

    This resource was fun to use in the classroom! The students were excited to use it and the resource was very aligned to the standards.

  8. SocialStudieswithMrsS

    Thank you! We used this as a jumping off point for Current Events.

  9. Lacy Buckhaults

    This is a great resource to have when using current events! I’m so glad I found it! Thanks!

  10. GT Made Easy

    The various templates allowed my students to research their current events articles in a differentiated an engaging way!

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