Restate the Question Task Cards (Beginner Set for Grades 2-4) with Google Slides

These task cards help students practice restating questions in complete sentences, focusing on form rather than content. Available in print or digital versions, they are based on opinion or well-known facts. Created by experienced author Rachel Lynette.



The ability to restate a question in order to answer in a complete sentence is important not only in test-taking situations, but also for many types of writing. These 35 task cards (print or digital) can help your students learn to put the question in the answer (PQA). Since it is not the content of the answer that is being practiced, but rather the form of the answer, the questions themselves are based on opinion or well-known facts. This will allow your students to focus on how to form their answers rather than on getting the answer correct.



  • Directions and Suggestions
  • 35 Printable Task Cards Color
  • 35 Printable Task Cards Blackline
  • Cover Card
  • Printable Posters
  • Student Answer Sheets
  • Answer Key


  • Google Slides Option
  • 35 Google Slides Task Cards


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About the Author

These passages were written by me, Rachel Lynette. I am a published author of over 120 nonfiction books for children on a variety of subjects, as well as several teacher resource books. I have written for publishers such as Harcourt, Thompson-Gale, Rosen, Childrenโ€™s Press, Evan-Moor, Kagan, and several others. These passages reflect more than a decade of professional writing experience.

Terms of Use

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded. If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses. Thank you for respecting these terms of use. ๐Ÿ™‚

This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom

SKU: 1003091

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24 reviews for Restate the Question Task Cards (Beginner Set for Grades 2-4) with Google Slides

  1. Marisa Lopez

    My students needed additional practice restating and answering questions in complete sentences. These task cards were perfect!

  2. Amanda Kennon

    I love incorporating these lessons into my writing units. It has been perfect.

  3. Michelle Aker

    Great resource to help my students with writing! I’ll definitely use it every year, especially if I am teaching upper elementary students.

  4. Kelly Ahern

    I use this resource at the beginning of the year to review with my new students how to restate and answer simple questions. This resource then leads into our RACE reading strategy.

  5. Mindy E.

    Thank you for a wonderful tool to use with my students in a K-5 resource classroom. It is beneficial when I am working with students below grade level.

  6. Brittney R.

    This was a great resource to use with my students when practicing restating the question to open ended response questions.. thank you!

  7. Cathy N.

    This is exactly what I was looking for! My students were struggling to restate the question in their answers. This little activity really helped out! I will use it in year to come.

  8. Kim M.

    This is a great resource! Easy to apply, little prep, and good practice!

  9. Carolyn H.

    This resource was very helpful when we started our RACES unit. The differentiated cards were so helpful! Thank you.

  10. kimberly J.

    Perfect resource for my 3rd graders to use while practicing restating the question!

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